What a wonderful birthday I had yesterday!
I woke to a beautiful sight...our first snowfall for the season.

All three grandkids spent the night here & when they woke they couldn't wait to get outside. They decided to build a snowman. It was perfect snow for that.

They kept rolling & rolling. Soon they came running into the house hollering for Grampy. "Can you come out & help us get the middle ball on top of the bottom? We can't lift it." We both went to the window to see what they had done. LOL... The balls were huge! So Grampy got dressed to go help.

I could see they were getting cold. So I made some hot cocoa and told them to come in and warm up & they could go back and finish later. It didn't take them long to slurp the cocoa down and they got some more warm, dry clothes on & went back out.
A little later they came running in the house again "Gramma come see!"
This is what I saw...

My very own Birthday Snowman!!!
And just in time. The rest of the family got to see my snowman as they pulled into the drive.
Of course Uncle Tom had to get out & play in the snow too.

It didn't take long before the snowball fight began.

Then came the challenge.


Whatever Zack tried, obviously didn't work.

And Jordan looks like she is going to end up on the ground too.
But wait....
Kelly Scores!!!

And just in time! Danny's homemade potato soup is steaming hot and Tammi has the grilled ham & cheese sandwichs finished.
Afterwards I got to open my birthday presents. I got a couple of beautiful tops and this new set of pans.

THEY ARE PINK!!!! I love it.
Sometimes I wonder how I deserve such a wonderful family!
Now I have to concentrate on Christmas. Last minute shopping, presents to wrap and more cookies to bake.
I do hope that my blogging friends that got hit with the snow blizzard are all safe & warm.
Holiday Blessings to all!