Oct 28, 2008

Oh goodness!

It's been a few days since I've posted. So let's catch up.

The pink kitchen cupboards have been put on hold for a few days , until I can get enough things done for my upcoming bazaars.

Yes, it's BAZAAR time. And if you haven't guessed yet... I tend to put things off till the last minute (hehehe). That means I've been sewing and painting at every available moment. I've signed up for three (yes...three) craft bazaars in November. If I want more than 4 baby blankets & a couple of snowman ornaments to display, I need to keep busy. Amazingly though, I always have a very nice showing with lots of merchandise.

Every year I tell myself that I should start getting some things made for these bazaars starting in the summer. Hummm??? Why didn't that happen this summer? Could it be that I babysit for my three grandkids everyday or swimming or gardening or fixing my In-laws house after they had a major flood problem? Probably! Oh well, maybe next year!!!

Thought you might like to see a couple of things I've put on my Etsy shop for sale. Oh yeah...need to get that fuller too.