A lot sure has happened in those 43 years...some good , some bad. I've been doing a lot of reminiscing(SP?) lately.
DH & I were high school sweethearts and we were married just a few weeks after he graduated.

OMG... we were so young! He was 17 and I was 16. The grandkids still don't believe that is us, LOL.

Things were a lot different way back then. You didn't get married, move into a fancy house, get brand new furniture & 2 new cars. NOPE.......I will never forget my first dream home.
We moved into an 8' X 24' travel trailer (half the size of our livingroom now) that we got to put on his great grampa's farm. His Aunt Marilyn and I went and bought some purple upholstery fabric and redid the sleeper sofa. The only other furniture I could fit in was a wooden rocker. I made some floral curtains for our only L/R window. Every appliance was "PINK". Yep pink sinks, pink stove, pink fridgerator (wish I still had that), pink toilet & pink tub. How cool was that! Isn't it funny how after 'several' different decorating styles, I've come full circle to this style again? Well almost anyway, don't think I want the pink toilet again LOL.

We were both to young to have REAL jobs right away, so I kept working in the concession stands at the racetrack(been doing that since I was 14) and DH worked cleaning and getting the track ready for the next week. My 2nd cousin owned the track and my Dad had been racing for a few years.

Hubby always said he married me cause my Daddy had a racecar (that and I had cute feet...hehehe) Racing is a whole other story someday.
As soon as DH turned 18 yrs.old, he got a job working at Kraft Foods making candy. Except for the free chocolate covered caramels that he brought home...I hated that job. I can still remember him coming home with that white uniform on (impossible to get that syrup cleaned out) and smelling "sickly sweet". That smell was really awful, especially when you're pregnant!! It wasn't long until the first child was born.

That was when......