Okay, I'm going to get all my complaining done first!
Look at this ▼ ↓ ▼

Yep... I was driving along, singin with the radio, when***KABAMM***. I thought somebody had shot at me. I was checking my chest & arms and realized that I was still alive and no one had shot at me. Then I looked around and saw that huge chip in my window. "What the #@*?^<\!!!!!" (I'm not Ms. Nicey Nice all the time, LOL). Looking in my rear view mirror, I saw a County Dump Truck go whizzing by. He must've had a stray rock fall off and it had to hit my windshield. All this happened within seconds. Good thing for Insurance! But I may wait a few weeks till most of the roadwork is done. Alright, I'm done complainig. Now onto some good stuff. I hope all the Moms that read my blog had a wonderful Mother's Day! Mine was Terrific!!! Look at all the plants I received from my kids and grandkids...

and all these herb plants.

My whole family went out for dinner a couple of days earlier.
Mother's Day was a bit more special this year because my Sister Renee decided to get Baptized on that day. My Mom, my other Sister Brenda, her son's family and Renee's family, all went to a special service at her church that Sunday morning. Then most of our families went to my house for a carry-in dinner. Each one of us sisters received one of these cup & saucer flower arrangements.

What a Beautiful Day!!!
Well, they just lifted the tornado watches and they say the storms won't be as bad as they suspected. Geessh! It's like "the boy who cried wolf" with these weather predictions. No one is going to believe these weather people if we ever do get a bad storm. But I'm glad it is going to blow over.
I better get to cookin some supper! Later
oh Wait!!!!!!!!! This is Thursday and I almost forgot to post for Jenny Matlock's AlphabeThursday. Boy have I been behind on these postings! If you click on the button below it will take you to Jenny's blog for the explanation of these posts and the list of other participants.

Q is for Quilts
These are a few of the raggy baby quilts that I make.

Really got to go now! Kelly says she's STARVING!!!