My nephew was seriously hurt a couple of weeks ago and we've all been pretty worried on his outcome. He did have to have a finger amputated and will probably have some therapy for his hand. All of his other wounds seem to be healing OK so far. God had him in his prayers that evening.
On to some fun stuff!
I was in a Spring Swap with a few of the girls on the PrimPals forum. My partner was Casey at Olde Spoon River Homestead. I sent her these items.
I made the embroidered lavender sachet and the button sheep. While out on some of my antiquing excursions, I found a small red painted bowl, a soy candle, a rusty bell and the penny rug. She was very pleased with what I sent her, especially the penny rug.
This is what I recieved from here!

Isn't everything just adorable? I loved it all! I had to make myself a cup of the Vanilla Chai tea right away. It was yummy. I didn't have a lot of Spring decorations, so I put them on display right away too! Thank you Casey ! That was a fun swap!
Brenda over at Pine Tree Prims is swapping or selling some of her items and I asked to swap for the cutest little suitcase.
and I got an extra cute pincushion too.
I sent her a mustard & black tablemat that I made (I forgot to take a picture, darn). It was a lot of fun. I think she still has some more things that she would like to trade or sell. Go visit her blog and check them out.
I have been pretty busy these last few weeks. After everyone got over the nasty flu bug, I finished sewing the rest of the pinwheel blocks for Brenda's quilt. Now I need to figure out how I'm going to put them together.
I've also been doing some painting.
Tom & Bonnie's hutch came out really well. She was so anxious to get started on her decorating now that the walls, cupboards & hutch are finished. Everything looks just prim perfect.
Of coarse Jordan just had to be in the picture. She is our 'princess' after all.
My current projects, besides trying to get caught up on all the BOMs and finishing up Brenda's quilt are these:
Doesn't look like much yet, do they? These are the 2 barstools I want to paint for Bonnie and a small desk that I'm painting for Jordan. They're in the priming stage pictured there. Jordan is getting her bedroom redone and we have started redoing Kelly's room too. Jordon's Mom is repainting her room and she got some new white furniture too. Kelly's room is being rebuilt. We have torn out a wall between her room and another. Now her room will be twice as big. I've got lots of work ahead on that project.
I hope I can keep up a little better on my posts. I'll try! I promise!