As I sit here right now, it is thundering outside and RAINING!
WHAT??!!! In the middle of winter in Indiana? What a muddy mess!
I just hope that it doesn't freeze later this evening. I hope everyone has a SAFE New Years trip home.
Christmas was great this year! I enjoyed having the whole family with me on Christmas Eve. This year it was a little difficult for me to find presents for the grandkids. They are ages from 8 to 11. Too big for little kid toys and I can't afford all the electronics that they wanted. So besides the usual hat & gloves, they got remote control helicopters, fingernail kits and these buggs. They were a great hit.
My youngest granddaughter did get a new sewing machine from Santa. Her Mom thought it would get more use at my house, so she has brought it to Grandmas to learn on. We have been straightening out my craftroom so we can put her new machine, my older machine (for the other granddaughter) & my sewing machine all in a row on my table. I can see an all-night sew-along in the near future! LOL
My 60th Birthday was on the 19th too! I still can't believe that! I sure don't feel like 60! I don't mind being older except that means that our loved ones are getting older too. My father has already gone to Heaven and I miss him immensely. And to see my Mom & my In-laws get older and more frail is very heartwrenching. Thoughts like this seem to enter my head as every new year begins. Then I think of all the good times that we all spent together. I'm very blessed to have my whole family close by.
2010 was a wonderful year and I look forward to whatever 2011 brings!
I have several thank yous for gift swaps & winnings that I need to catch up on after the holidays. I really do appreciate it all and I'm sorry I didn't get things posted promptly. That will be one of my resolutions this year...Keep my Blog Posts up to date! Oh Dummy Me! Why can't I just get started now? I am such a procrastinator! Here goes..........
I was in a stocking swap over on Noelle's blog Lil Bits and Pieces of Me.
My swap partner was Melanie. Check out her blog, Country Roads. I was so excited to get it mailed out that I forgot to take a picture, so I'm going to borrow the one that Melanie took. This is what I sent to Melanie.

I made her a blue & silver raggy quilt stocking and stuffed it with this cute kitty trinket box and kitty in a basket ornament and some fruity candies.

Melanie is expecting her first baby soon. So I made a little stuffed kitty for the little one too.
This is Kelly (GD#1) modeling what I recieved from Melanie. I had to keep reminding her that they were mine.

The scarf & gloves are so warm & fuzzy. I've used them a couple of times already. I also got the cutest crocheted snowman ornament. It was the first to go on my tree this year.

Now I hope I remember all of the giveaway winnings that I was blessed with recently. I know I should have posted these right away so as not to forget anyone. But they will have to wait until later.
Now I have to go get some ham rollups made and get ready for the New Year's Party.

Be safe this New Years Eve!